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    Other rebates

    If you are a veteran or have private health insurance, you may be entitled to additional rebates.

    Am I eligible for other benefits?

    Do you qualify for a Department of Veterans’ Affairs Gold Card (Veteran Card)? Do you have private health insurance or can you receive treatment in a public hospital? All of these options could impact on the cost of your medical treatment.

    Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) patients

    DVA gold card holders may qualify for some additional rebates, including additional OCT scans.

    You can find out more about eligibility for a Veteran Gold Card on the Department of Veterans’ Affairs website.

    Treatment in hospital

    Public hospitals

    A limited number of public hospitals provide outpatient treatment for conditions including age-related macular degeneration and diabetic retinopathy.

    There should be no charge for treatment and diagnostic tests, although in some states, there may be a requirement to pay the PBS co-contribution if Lucentis or Eylea are used ($6.80 concession or $42.50 non-concession). 

    Private hospitals

    In some situations, an ophthalmologist may decide to give injections in a private hospital or day surgery setting.

    If you hold private health insurance, you may be able to claim from your private health fund for the procedure and accommodation charge. This is dependent on the insurer and the policy. 

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