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    Low vision assessment

    A low vision assessment can give you valuable advice and support to live well.

    Man looking at letters on an eye chart

    What is a low vision assessment?

    A low vision assessment is an essential way to regain control of your situation. It will get you started to ensure you can live well with vision loss.

    Vision loss can affect your mobility. It may also impact your ability to do everyday tasks such as reading, cooking and activities around the home.

    A low vision assessment will include tests to determine how much of your vision remains. You’ll also get valuable advice and support for your individual circumstances.

    Your assessment will be performed by an accredited provider of low vision services. You may be able to have an assessment in your own home. Or you may attend a low vision clinic. Sometimes low vision assessments are performed by major hospitals or universities. Some eye health professionals also provide this service.

    We recommend you contact MDFA so we can direct you to the appropriate low vision services for your needs. 

    What happens during the assessment?

    A low vision assessment may include testing your vision, and assessing the effect your eye condition has on your vision.

    During the assessment, you’ll learn techniques to enhance your remaining vision and maximise the use of your other senses.

    You’ll also be asked about the psychological and social impacts of vision loss. If necessary, you’ll be referred to counselling and support.

    You will also receive comprehensive information and practical demonstrations on the use of low vision aids and technologies. These low vision devices and technologies can really help you with daily activities.

    You’ll also receive:

    • information on modifications you can make at home or work
    • a visit to your home for advice on living well and home safety
    • orientation and mobility training to help you get out and about
    • information on subsidies or entitlements you may be eligible for, and how to access them.