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    Roth Gair Charity Golf Day

    Raising much needed funds for MDFA and eye health.

    Golf clubs

    Each year, the Lions Clubs of Forest Hill and Park Orchards in Victoria raise much needed funds for Macular Disease Foundation Australia by organising and hosting the Roth Gair Charity Golf Day. 

    Organiser Ian Kennedy says the motivation behind the event is his family connection with age-related macular degeneration.

    “My Godfather, the late Roth Gair had AMD and loved his golf. I witnessed the impact the disease had on his vision and quality of life, and I wanted to support the great work of the Foundation to raise awareness and provide support for people with macular degeneration,” explained Ian.

    The Macular Disease Foundation Australia is most grateful to Ian, members of both Lions Clubs and all other sponsors and supporters.

    This event is traditionally held in February each year. For further information on when the next Roth Gair Charity Golf Day is to be held, please contact the Lions Club of Forest Hill.
