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    MDFA News

    New Nutrition Guidelines for AMD

    Latest research supports Mediterranean and Asian-style eating plans to reduce risk of AMD

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    Images showing a head and shoulders shot of an old man in a black tshirt smiling at the camera.

    Switching should be allowed

    With a new treatment for wet AMD coming on the market, drug switching between Lucentis and Eylea should be allowed.

    Two men chatting about a book

    Focus on families

    Research has revealed Australians significantly underestimate the role of family history in developing macular degeneration.

    Federal Budget reassuring

    Macular Degeneration Foundation believes a cap on the Medicare item number for the treatment of wet AMD should have minimal impact on patients.

    Image of a daughter and her mother both smiling at the camera

    TGA approves Eylea

    The TGA has approved a new drug, Eylea, for the treatment of wet (neovascular) age-related macular degeneration.

    Audio description trial

    ABC to trial audio description on television to assist people who are blind or visually impaired.

    Empty movie theatre seats

    Judi Dench shares AMD diagnosis

    Dame Judi Dench has revealed a diagnosis of age-related macular degeneration.

    Image of an Asian mother and daughter

    Postcard campaign success

    The federal government has heard and acknowledged the Foundation’s postcard campaign for increased funding.

    Image of older guy holding a pair of glasses and looking thoughtfully at the camera

    CATT study raises questions

    We reviewed the results of the CATT study, designed to compare two drugs Lucentis (ranibizumab) and Avastin (bevacizumab) used to treat wet AMD.

    image of test tubes in research laboratory

    Inaugural research grants awarded

    The inaugural Macular Degeneration Foundation Research Grants Program awarded nearly three-quarters of a million dollars to support crucial macular disease research.
