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Moving forward with vision loss

Living well with vision loss

Being able to live well with vision loss starts with you taking control of the situation.

The more you understand your eye condition, its effects and the options you have for dealing with the challenges presented by loss of vision, the more positive you’ll feel.

Different eye conditions affect vision in different ways, so it’s important you understand the kind of support services, aids and equipment that will best help you.

Seek guidance and support

There is a lot of advice, help, information and practical solutions for managing everyday tasks. You can find more information about these by contacting MDFA.

Vision aids and adaptive technology

There are many low vision aids and technologies designed to help you with daily tasks to maintain independence.

Understand your condition

Having an eye condition that will lead to vision loss can leave you feeling confused and upset.

Sometimes being upset can make it difficult for you to remember what your eye health professional is telling you. This is quite normal.

However, understanding your condition will help you manage it more effectively.

When you visit your eye health professional:

  • take notes
  • get a friend or family member to go with you
  • ask your friend or family member to take notes and be available later for discussion
  • ask your eye care professional to write down instructions
  • request further information if you need it
  • ask for printed information if possible.

If you have age-related macular degeneration, MDFA has prepared a list of suggested questions to ask your eye health professional. You can download these for free or order a printed copy to be sent to you.

If you have another macular disease or condition, contact MDFA and we can help you with a list of questions to ask to make sure you get the most out of your visit.

National Helpline

1800 111 709

Make an emergency plan

Vision loss may put you at a higher risk of slips, trips and falls.

For this reason, it’s important to make a plan to help you feel safer, more confident and in control. This will also reassure your family and friends. 

The aim of the emergency plan is to get help as soon as possible to reduce the impact of the accident and to minimise any distress. If you live alone, or are alone for long periods, it’s even more important to have your plan organised to get help quickly. 

  • share your plan with your family and friends, so that they know how they can help, and what they may need to do for you in the event of an emergency
  • there are many types of devices to raise the alarm in the event of an emergency such as a mobile phone or a personal alarm that initiates a call for help when activated.
  • if you live alone, consider asking a person or special service to call and check on you at the same time every day. Remember the person who comes to help you needs to be able to get into your home, so think carefully about who you’d be happy to give a spare key to. 
  • you should also make a list of people or organisations you can call in case of an emergency.
  • understand which number you would call in different circumstances to get the right type of help. Keep this list in key areas such as your mobile phone, wallet, on the refrigerator, or next to the phone at home.
  • always have your ‘in case of an emergency’ contact clearly marked.