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You can keep supporting your patients with macular disease once they leave your care. Connect them to evidence-based non-clinical information and support through Macular Disease Foundation Australia (MDFA).

MDFA knows accessing the right information at the right time can support people to adjust to a macular disease diagnosis and support them to live well with this disease. 

That’s why MDFA has partnered with MyInteract.

It’s a unique and free mobile application providing a single place for people to easily view information relevant to their macular disease diagnosis.

It makes accessing our information and resources even easier for our digitally literate community and their families.  

People living with early AMD, intermediate AMD, wet AMD, geographic atrophy, diabetic macular oedema, and/or retinal vein occlusion and their families can easily access the MyINTERACT app by scanning a QR code from their smart device, or accessing a weblink in their browser.

They will be presented with a registration page to input their disease and treatment information. The MyINTERACT app will automatically present them with folders of information personalised for their condition.  

Download this flyer for your clinic to let your digitally-literate patients connect easily with us.


My Interact flyer

For further information, call the National Helpline on 1800 111 709.