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A better view: National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease

The National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease outlines a coordinated, national response to macular disease.

The Australian Government’s endorsement of the strategy – prepared by Macular Disease Foundation Australia – is recognition of the enormous impact macular disease has on our society.

The input from so many stakeholders from across the macular disease eco-system is what makes this plan so effective.

Australia is a world leader in fighting macular disease and this roadmap has 44 action points that will allow this partnership to continue in a coordinated and strategic way to ensure limited health care resources are better targeted. 

The National Strategic Action Plan was released by the federal Government in March 2019.

The Australian Government has already funded MDFA to implement some actions around prevention and early detection, outlined as priorities in the National Strategic Action Plan.

The document and related resources are available in both Word and PDF versions to view or download. Note: Depending on your computer settings, documents may download directly to a set folder (for example, your ‘Downloads’ folder).

  • A Better View: National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease (Word)
  • Evidence Appendix: National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease (Word, PDF)
  • Stocktake Report: National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease (Word, PDF)
  • Consultation Summary: National Strategic Action Plan for Macular Disease (Word, PDF)